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Automotive X PRIZE Track Testing Begins This Week

"We've been following the Automotive X PRIZE for over a year now, and it's finally getting to the cars-on-course phase, pitting 28 teams against each other on the track to determine which of their 36 vehicles embodies not just high-efficiency but also a real-world, streetable…

From Window magazine: Water Wonders 2010-04-26
Students compete to build an affordable 100 mpg car

"A group from Western Washington University is among 29 teams from around the world headed to Michigan for the next phase of the Progressive Automotive X Prize _ an international competition to build a super fuel-efficient vehicle that consumers want to buy.

WWU's sporty coupe,…

Progressive Insurance Automotive X PRIZE Teams Arrive at Michigan International Speedway for Start of On-Track Testing

"Today, 28 teams, representing 36 super fuel efficient vehicles from across the globe will begin arriving at Michigan International Speedway (MIS) in Brooklyn, MI to officially start on-track performance testing for the Progressive Insurance Automotive X PRIZE, a multi-million dollar…

Wage stagnation a drag on Whatcom Co. economic recovery

"While looking for signs of an economic recovery, don't expect a sudden uptick in consumer spending anytime soon -- household income has been stagnant at best.

The Washington State Office of Financial Management recently updated its estimates of median household income - the…

Northwest College Team Will Compete For Automotive X-Prize

"Ten million dollars is on the line. And a team from Western Washington University is in the competition. It's called the Automotive X–Prize. The challenge: design a car that averages 100 miles to the gallon."

Colockum station gets new lease on life under county’s management

"Washington State University may have unloaded it, but the Colockum Research Station will continue to be a gathering place for students as it has been for nearly half a century.

WSU gave up its nearly 50-year lease for the sprawling area south of Wenatchee late last year because of…

We're Coming Back

"David Nelson, professor of Economics at Western Washington University and president of Study Groups (FRMC Inc.), offered encouraging news, declaring that the financial system has stabilized and that the economy is growing again."

Digital repository expert to speak on campus April 20 2010-04-13
Critical Junctures Institute to hold seminar on diabetes self-management 2010-04-08
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