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Pulitzer winner to discuss environmental issues

William Dietrich, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and assistant professor of Environmental Studies at Western Washington University, will discuss major environmental issues confronting the Pacific Northwest 7:30 p.m. Thursday.

Crews to begin pond retrofit in Lake Whatcom watershed

HB Hansen is under a $110,000 contract for the work, which includes filling the pond and installing a stormwater vault, swale and rock gallery to catch and treat stormwater. The treatment method is based on a model being tested by Western Washington University.

WWU starts Climate Action Plan

Western Washington University, which has long been involved in environmental education and sustainability, now has a plan on how it can help address climate change and be an even better steward of the environment.

The university's Board of Trustees recently approved a Climate Action…

WWU X PRIZE team ready for finals round to begin July 19 2010-07-07
WWU passes technical inspection at X-Prize competition, cleared for efficiency tests Monday 2010-06-18
Go online for photos of Viking 45's recent makeover 2010-06-17
WWU's Viking 45 ready for next stage of X-Prize competition, which continues today in Detroit 2010-06-16
WWU Industrial Design students to present projects at Bellingham store June 4 2010-06-04
May 28 lecture to discuss the role of the environment during Japanese-American incarceration 2010-05-28
Bicyclists abound at WWU on Bike to Work and School Day 2010-05-21
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