11-12: Student Excellence

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WWU grad a finalist in international design competition

When recent Western Washington University graduate Thomas Kloucek designed a small multifunctional tool for scuba divers for a class assignment, he thought he had just designed something for school and that would be the end of it.
But now the invention is one of 10 projects representing…

Teacher prep candidates continue to score well on state exams 2011-09-14
Don’t Ms.: Shameless Karaoke, The Whistleblower, Gender Odyssey and More!

Today is my first day at Ms., and I’m feeling blissfully overwhelmed by the wealth of feminist knowledge in this office—including information on hundreds of upcoming feminist or women-centered events. Below are my top six picks for this week. Here’s hoping you live near one of these cities:…

WWU's 'The Planet' Magazine Wins Two Awards in National Journalism Contest 2011-07-15
WWU community health student spends summer working with youth in Uganda 2011-07-08
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