Coronavirus News

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Moderna's COVID vaccine can remain stable at refrigerated temperature for 3 months, company says

Moderna said Thursday its Covid-19 vaccine can remain stable at temperatures found in refrigerators for three months, citing new data.

The mRNA vaccine is approved to be stored in a refrigerator between 36 and 46 degrees…

Thirty new COVID cases in Whatcom as hospitalization rate moves closer to missing goal

Whatcom County saw 30 new confirmed COVID-19 cases reported Saturday on the Washington State Department of Health’s coronavirus dashboard. Deaths are not reported on weekends.…

Who can go maskless? How new CDC guidelines square with increasing numbers of COVID cases in Washington

The new federal guidance on masks is welcome news for a pandemic-weary nation. But it comes as COVID-19 infections rise in Washington.

Last week, Gov. Jay Inslee held a news conference announcing that …

Men lag behind women in COVID vaccinations in Washington state

Men in Washington state — who represent 53% of deaths from the coronavirus — are at the same time receiving far less than their share of life-protecting vaccines.

It’s a trend vexing…

Who's getting vaccinated in Whatcom county? New data shows these racial and age differences

Whatcom County residents who identify as Hispanic are being vaccinated for COVID-19 at a rate about half the rest of the county, according to data released by the Washington State Department of Health.

“Hispanics are underrepresented in the vaccinated population in nearly all counties,…

Whatcom should stay in Phase 3 Monday, but future is hazy as county sees 34 new COVID cases

Whatcom County should be safe to stay in Phase 3 of Gov. Jay Inslee’s Healthy Washington — Roadmap to Recovery plan for three more weeks.

After that? Well . . . things are not…

WSU to require vaccinations for the fall

As colleges in Washington prepare for the fall semester, some are considering whether to require students and staff to prove they have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

Washington State University announced Wednesday that students and faculty at all campus locations will …

Whatcom surpasses 8,000 COVID cases, as one death and seven hospitalizations reported

Whatcom County’s COVID-19 numbers, including those that will dictate whether it stays in Phase 3 of Gov. Jay Inslee’s Healthy Washington — Roadmap to Recovery plan or rolls back to Phase…

Nervous about getting the COVID-19 vaccine? Don't believe these myths

Are you anxious about “dangerous” COVID-19 vaccine side effects? Wondering if it will affect your fertility? Did you hear it will change your DNA? There’s plenty of misinformation circulating about the COVID-19 vaccines, much of which can make it feel scary to sign up for an appointment. We’re…

Whatcom sees 31 new COVID cases, as hospitalization rate creeps toward Phase 3 threshold

The two numbers that the state monitors to determine whether Whatcom County will remain in Phase 3 of Gov. Jay Inslee’s Healthy Washington — Roadmap to Recovery plan continue to creep…

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