Coronavirus News

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Fear of delta is motivating Americans to get vaccines, survey finds

The delta variant was the main reason that people decided to get vaccinated against COVID-19 this summer and why most say they will get boosters when eligible, according to the latest monthly survey on vaccine attitudes by the Kaiser Family Foundation, released on Tuesday morning. But the survey…

COVID hospital numbers looking better in Washington state

Authorities in Washington state said Monday that COVID-19 hospital admission rates “look better” but hospitalizations still remain high. Cassie Sauer, CEO of the Washington State Hospital Association, said during a weekly news briefing that deaths continue to rise — an expected trend that often…

Another triple-digit COVID case weekend in Whatcom, plus two more deaths

Whatcom County continued with triple-digital weekend COVID-19 case numbers, according to the Washington State Department of Health’s COVID-19 Data Dashboard on Monday, Sept. 27. With 183 new confirmed cases reported over the weekend, Whatcom’s pandemic total increased to 13,388.

US has enough COVID-19 vaccines for boosters, kids’ shots

With more than 40 million doses of coronavirus vaccines available, U.S. health authorities said they’re confident there will be enough for both qualified older Americans seeking booster shots and the young children for whom initial vaccines are expected to be approved in the not-too-distant…

There’s one more thing you can do to help Washington’s health care system this winter: Get a flu shot

Flu seasons are typically deadly, but last year proved altering behavior can change that. With schools not in session, limitations on gathering size and capacity limits in restaurants and stores, as well as a mask mandate, Washington saw zero flu deaths in the 2020-21 flu season. In the years…

Booster Shots Are Coming. Here's How To Figure Out If You Need One

For the past several weeks, Dr. Boghuma Titanji has been swamped with questions about COVID-19 vaccine boosters. Even the experts seem confused, she says.


Whatcom County’s COVID-19 infection rate moves back above 500, as fifth surge continues

The fifth surge of the COVID-19 pandemic is not ready to let Whatcom County go just yet, as the county’s two-week infection rate inched above 500 confirmed cases per 100,000 residents again on Thursday, Sept. 23. After three straight days of seeing its rate dip below that threshold, Whatcom…

US sets the stage for COVID booster shots for millions

The U.S. vaccination drive against COVID-19 stood on the verge of a major new phase as government advisers Thursday recommended booster doses of Pfizer’s vaccine for millions of older or otherwise vulnerable Americans — despite doubts the extra shots will do much to slow the pandemic.

As we enter cold and flu season, here’s how to tell if you have COVID or a cold

As we lurch into fall and then winter, we also say hello to flu season, which starts in early to mid-September.

But we are also in the throes of a pandemic, and when we come down with sore throats and runny noses, how do we tell if it’s COVID-19 or something else?

The short…

Whatcom County’s COVID-related death total climbs for second straight day, state reports

Whatcom County had its smallest reported increase of COVID-19 cases in six weeks on Wednesday, Sept. 22, according to the Washington State Department of Health’s COVID-19 Data Dashboard, but for the second straight day a related death was added to the county’s total. It was the 132nd death…

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