Coronavirus News

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Magnitude of Whatcom’s COVID testing demand ‘far beyond anything we have ever seen before’

Whatcom County COVID-19 testing sites have been unable to keep up with growing community demand as the omicron variant continues to drive record case numbers. “Our systems are stretched throughout. … Testing is very challenging right now,” Whatcom County Health Director Erika Lautenbach said…

Masking against COVID and omicron: a visual guide

COVID-19 is once again surging across the country as the highly transmissible omicron variant spreads rapidly. With breakthrough cases soaring, the focus has returned to…

Protesters descend on WA Board of Health after misinformation about vaccine plans goes viral

Late last week, disturbing rumors started to fly on social media.

The state Board of Health, they claimed, was about to authorize local health officials and police to round up people for refusing to get coronavirus vaccines and forcibly lock them up in quarantine facilities.


Biden to double free COVID tests, add N95s, to fight omicron

President Joe Biden announced Thursday that the government will double to 1 billion the rapid, at-home COVID-19 tests to be distributed free to Americans, along with the most protective N95 masks, as he highlighted his efforts to “surge” resources to help the country weather the spike in…

Supreme Court halts COVID-19 vaccine rule for US businesses

The Supreme Court has stopped the Biden administration from enforcing a requirement that employees at large businesses be vaccinated against COVID-19 or undergo weekly testing and wear a mask on the job.

At the same time, the court is allowing the administration to proceed with a vaccine…

How often you can reuse KN95 or N95 masks — and how to safely do it

Health experts have recommended switching to N95 or KN95 face masks as the omicron coronavirus variant — which transmits and evades COVID-19 vaccines more easily than past strains — spreads throughout the United States.

But can these higher-quality masks be used more than once?

With Whatcom’s emergency care system ‘stretched to its limits,’ residents asked to help

As it is with just about every segment of the community, the latest surge of COVID-19 is challenging Whatcom County’s emergency healthcare system in ways it hasn’t been challenged before. As the omicron variant drives reported case numbers in Whatcom County to record levels, St. Joseph’s…

One in 77 Whatcom residents tested positive for COVID-19 during first 10 days of 2022

January of 2022 has already produced more COVID-19 cases in Whatcom County than any of the first 22 months of the pandemic, as one in 77 Whatcom residents has tested positive this year, alone. Whatcom County saw another 393 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 52 additional probable cases reported…

Omicron may be headed for a rapid drop in Britain, US

Scientists are seeing signals that COVID-19′s alarming omicron wave may have peaked in Britain and is about to do the same in the U.S., at which point cases may start dropping off dramatically.

The reason: …

With COVID cases on rise, Whatcom health department to open second isolation facility

A sharp increase in COVID-19 cases is forcing the Whatcom County Health Department to open a second isolation facility for people who have tested positive for the virus and have nowhere else to go. That isolation facility will be in the locker rooms at Civic Stadium, where Northwest Youth…

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