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State House passes ‘Washington Dream Act’

The Washington State Dream Act was approved by the state House on Wednesday, bringing undocumented students one step closer to being eligible for the State Need Grant.

The measure was approved 77-20, with unanimous Democrat support and a split vote on the Republican side. It was the last…

Sequestration Presents Uncertain Outlook for Students, Researchers, and Job-Seekers

As the midnight-Thursday deadline came and went, steep federal spending cuts were set in motion, leaving college students, administrators, and researchers bracing for the effects of impending reductions in financial-aid, research, and job-training programs. Adding to the anxiety is the fact that…

WWU will offset financial aid losses if sequester happens

The president of Western Washington University has announced that the university will use reserve funds to offset any potential cuts in federal financial aid that might result if automatic federal budget cuts occur on March 1 through sequestration.
WWU President Bruce Shepard said the…

WWU vows to cover students in case of sequester cuts

If looming federal budget cuts take financial aid away from students, Western Washington University is promising to find money to offset those cuts.
Western President Bruce Shepard announced Tuesday the school will pull money out of its reserves to make sure students will get the…

Students before sequesters: Western

The automatic federal budget cuts set to take effect on Friday will not be allowed to block any student from attending Western Washington University in Bellingham, WWU President Bruce Shepard announced Tuesday.

Western will “draw upon institutional reserves to provide funding if “any…

WWU vows to protect students from US budget cuts

If looming federal budget cuts take financial aid away from students, Western Washington University is promising to find money to offset those cuts.

Western President Bruce Shepard announced Tuesday the school will pull money out of its reserves to make sure…

WWU to offset possible cuts in federal financial aid to Western students 2013-02-26
Should the state pay tuition for undocumented students?

Tania Santiago and Carlos Padilla moved from separate cities in Mexico to the United States before they were old enough to enter kindergarten. Tania and Carlos both grew up around Puget Sound, went to school, joined extra-curricular activities. Both went to the University of Washington (although…

House wants to protect students, parents on tuition

A new bipartisan effort to dramatically slow rising college tuition costs emerged Thursday in the state House.

But the plan faces a big hurdle. The effort would cost $225 million or so — an amount that the 23-Republican-two-Democrat alliance controlling the Senate…

2-year tuition freeze would erase GET hole, report says

If state universities froze tuition for the next two years, the financial woes of the state’s prepaid tuition plan would practically evaporate.

That’s the conclusion of the state actuary, whose new analysis shows that freezing tuition two years in a row would bring…

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