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Big Picture Science Radio Show: Forget to Remember

You must not remember this. Indeed, it may be key to having a healthy brain. Our gray matter evolved to forget things; otherwise we’d have the images of every face we saw on the subway rattling around our head all day long. Yet we’re building computers with the capacity to remember everything.…

WWU faculty to help celebrate Pluto flyby 2015-07-13
Finding Korean American history in the Pacific Northwest

The story of “Han in the Pacific Northwest” has been in the making for 30 years. Since the founding of the Korean American Historical Society (KAHS) by Daeshik Yu in 1985, while he was in the Department of American Ethnic Studies at the University of Washington, a primary goal has been to…

Earthquakes could shake Abbotsford again

A small earthquake that rattled buildings and woke some Abbotsford residents is a reminder that the ground beneath the Fraser Valley has the potential to shift at a moment’s notice.

The quake, measuring 3.3 on the Richter Scale, took place around 12:45 a.m. Sunday. The tremor occurred 10…

What You Should Know About The Danger Of Ice Caves

Kim Malcolm talks to Doug Clark, associate professor of geology at Western Washington University, about the different types of ice caves, how they are formed and their risks.

Vietnam’s Party chief heads to US to meet Obama in historic visit

Communist Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong will visit the US next week in a five-day landmark trip that is especially crucial at a time the two former foes increasingly need each other in the face of a rising China. Trong, the first Vietnam’s Party chief to visit the US, will meet…

Seniors often fall prey to fraudulent health products

If the product that promises to help you sleep, erase your wrinkles, and ease your arthritis pain sounds too good to be true — it probably is.

Americans spend $25 billion a year on fraudulent health products, and 60 percent of the victims are over the age of 60, says Jeanne Freeman,…

CEDAR allows faculty to share work, expand readership 2015-07-02
Peninsula sees a rising risk of fires

The increasing fire risk tied to abnormally warm and dry weather conditions is igniting concerns statewide, including in Clallam County and Sequim.

Typically, the fire season for Clallam County is from July through the end of September, but “all bets are off this year” as the season is…

The Social Impact of Humanities 'Inventions'

Are the humanities useless? Or can they produce “inventions” like the natural sciences? If our only understanding of invention is a technological product, perhaps the humanities are useless. But if we include new insights into culture, insights that transform our relationship with the world…

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