higher education

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Common Core tests now a ticket out of college remedial classes

A new agreement among the state’s public colleges will raise the value of a couple of Washington’s high-school exams.

The new math and reading exams, which are called Smarter Balanced and will be given to all Washington 11th-graders this spring, will factor not just into whether students…

UW, WSU to end medical training partnership

The state’s two leading universities are parting ways over medical education and will compete in the Legislature for money to offer their own physician training programs in Spokane.

Under an agreement announced Friday evening, Washington State University will push to establish an…

College kids now: socially liberal gamers stressing about bucks

Millennials get a lot of grief — “self-involved” and “entitled” are among the adjectives frequently used — so it’s interesting to see how they view the rest of the world.

Since 1966, pollsters at UCLA have been recording the attitudes of incoming college freshmen across the country on a…

Future of state, higher ed on table at Munro Seminar 2014-10-02
State government’s biggest union ratifies contracts for pay raises totaling 4.8% over two years

It turns out that 4.8 percent pay raises over two years are acceptable to Washington state employees after a six-year run without general wage adjustments.

Western is home to Linus Pauling Medal award symposium and banquet Oct. 11 2014-09-29
Officials’ texts are just another form of public record

Technology advances so rapidly that public policy often can’t keep up. That’s what’s happening with electronic messaging, particularly as it pertains to texting and public open records law.

Texting has quickly become pervasive in society, and many public officials find it a useful way to…

Will retail pot stores lead to more college tokers?

Will they be tempted? Will they be indifferent? Will they be calling home asking mom for pot money?

College students are returning to fall classes this week for the first time since marijuana retail stores opened near some college campuses.

Sticker relief: First thoughts of a new public college parent

“Here’s the bill for Western,” I told my husband this summer, waving a piece of paper in the air. “Tuition and fees are going to be $8,965.”

“Per quarter?” he asked.

“No! We’re in the state school system now. That’s for a whole year.”

I’ve been covering higher education in…

WWU ranked top master’s-granting public school in Northwest

U.S. News & World Report ranked Western Washington University as the top master’s-granting public university in the Pacific Northwest, according to its 2015 college rankings, which came out Sept. 9.

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