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Western Alert: Missing student sought 2015-04-13
Real life 'Burn Book' encourages cyberbullying among students

In the movie Mean Girls, the popular and powerful Regina George causes a school-wide frenzy when her “Burn Book” of hurtful comments is photocopied and displayed for all to see. But this fictional controversy has become a reality for many high schoolers using the app Burnbook.

Growing Veterans: Dirt therapy brings peace

My “Growing Veterans” love affair began about 30 months ago. As a board member of Tilth Producers of Washington, I learned about a documentary “Ground Operations: Battlefields to Farm Fields.” Specifically, Tilth was asked to support this important film by assisting with community “premiere”…

Upcoming forums to address marijuana 2015-04-02
SmartHealth early bonus ends March 31 2015-03-30
Bellingham PD: meth-laden plastic bottles, jugs found in parks

Police in Bellingham are sounding the alarm over toxic trash.

Plastic bottles used to make methamphetamine turned up last week at Sehome Arboretum, said Lt. Bob Vander Yacht of the Bellingham Police Department. The plastic containers are used to cook meth and are…

Faculty, staff may sign up for spring fitness classes 2015-03-18
WWU to test indoor, outdoor building enunciation system Monday, March 23 2015-03-18
Advances in mental, brain health to be discussed March 22 2015-03-11
Students share health tips to get through end of quarter

With dead and finals week approaching, many Western Washington University students have difficulty juggling homework, jobs and staying as healthy as possible.
Western students and Wade King Recreation Center staff offer advise for students to maintain their health to make it through the…

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