Graduate School

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Longtime Oak Harbor councilman dies

Long-time local leader Mike Milat, known for his warmth, sharp wit and selfless service to the community, died Friday at his Oak Harbor home.

He was 85.

It seems there was no part of the community Milat didn’t touch.

He served as a city councilman for 24 years and worked as…

In the news: Bellingham, Western in the spotlight

Bellingham is the second most fitness-friendly city in America, trailing only Boulder, Colo., according to Bellingham was praised for its easy access to such outdoor activities as kayaking, canoeing, mountain climbing, skiing and bicycling. Bellingham also ranked high for its…

Graduate students to share research, theses at April 18 conference at WWU 2015-04-16
Speech workshop planned for Hillcrest Elementary Friday

For speech and language therapist Janice Flinn, sounds are "the basis for language."

She's hosting a workshop to help parents learn how to teach their kids to make proper language sounds.

"It's something we're born with, the ability to make sounds,…

30 Most Beautiful Places to Go to Graduate School

As a grad student, you’ll need plenty of opportunity to relax and recharge your batteries, which is why we decided to highlight the institutions and locations in this list of the 30 most beautiful places to go to grad school. These schools and their gorgeous settings have been chosen based on a…

USD 457 hires former Scott City superintendent

A permanent replacement has been hired for the director of transportation position at USD 457 as Bill Wilson, former superintendent of Scott County USD 466, took the reins on July 1.
"From what I've seen and experienced thus far in the two and a half weeks in 457, good…

2014 commencement: Christina Van Wingerden 2014-06-23
Photos: Nearly 2,000 graduate June 14 2014-06-16
Alumni Association to honor alums today 2014-05-15
Faculty asked to participate in spring commencement June 14 2014-04-15
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