Winter bus passes on sale now

Winter quarter faculty/staff bus passes are now for sale and will be valid for use beginning Jan. 2. The employee cost for a winter bus pass is $23.

There are several ways that eligible employees can purchase a bus pass:

  1. If eligible for payroll deduction, employees can submit a "Viking Xpress Bus Pass Payroll Authorization" esign form. Be sure to select the ‘Winter Quarter $23’ option, as Academic Year pass sales have concluded for this year. Sustainable Transportation will process your request and mail your bus pass to your campus mailstop.
  2. Alternately, employees can call the Sustainable Transportation Office at (360) 650-7960 to make an appointment to come to Viking Commons Room 25 to purchase a pass. (The office would like to make sure someone is there in the office when you plan to stop by). While at the office, you will fill out a request form and they will put a charge on your account. Then, once you have paid at the cashier’s office, and payment is confirmed, the office can arrange a time for you to pick up your bus pass, or send it to you in the mail.

Please contact the Sustainable Transportation Office with any questions. (360) 650-7960.