Western celebrates Real Hope Act

Western Washington University celebrates the passage of the Real Hope Act in Washington state, as explained in this statement from Western President Bruce Shepard:

"Feb. 26, 2014: the day that dreams and hopes became a reality for many young people in the state of Washington. The day that, with a stroke of a pen, Gov. Jay Inslee signed into law the legislation for which students, faculty, staff and advocates of Western Washington University have been clamoring for the past decade.

"The Real Hope Act epitomizes the most important values of Western. We celebrate the fact that this important legislation makes possible the opportunity for many well-qualified, deserving students to pursue their dreams, and the dreams of their parents and families, to attend college in pursuit of brighter futures.

"We think of education as an adventure. Ours is a campus community that has, and always will, welcome students from all walks of life at the front door of discovery. We invite all students to connect, create and join in community with others who thrive on learning. Students and faculty are fully engaged here, working side-by-side to develop new ideas that challenge our understanding of ourselves and our world.

"Welcome to Western!"

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