'The Rolling Exhibition' at VU Gallery to feature photographs of stares received by man born without legs

The Associated Students Social Issues Resource Center and AS Productions VU Gallery will play host to "The Rolling Exhibition" Monday, Feb. 1, to Friday, Feb. 19.

"The Rolling Exhibit" is a series of photographs taken by Kevin Connolly, 24, who was born without legs.

The exhibit, which is free and open to the public, will feature 15 prints of Connolly's photographs representing stares that he received while traveling to 15 different countries and more than 31 cities. The exhibit will also feature quotes from his recently published book, "Double Take."

A reception for the exhibit will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 4 in the VU Gallery. Snacks will be provided and Connolly's autobiography will be on sale for $20.

An open discussion, held by the Western club Students for Disability Awareness, will be held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 17, in the VU Gallery.

"The open discussion is an opportunity to discuss stares, their place in society, how they affect marginalized identities and what we as a campus community can do to be more inclusive of people who identify with having a disability," SIRC Outreach Coordinator Brittany Otter said.

The VU Gallery is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

For more information about the event, or for disability accommodations, contact Brittany Otter at (360) 650-6804 or by e-mail at AS.ROP.SIRC.Outreach@wwu.edu.

Girl; London, England. Photo courtesy of Kevin Connolly