The Campus Equity and Inclusion Forum spring menu is up

The Campus Equity and Inclusion spring menu includes many new workshops that will help you and your colleagues raise their critical cultural consciousness. Sign up to learn from Western’s experts on topics that include:

  • Concept 4: Communicating Connectedness: Expediting the Growth of Healthy Learning Communities   
  • Concept 2: Micro-Affirmations and Eliminating Subtle Discrimination
  • Concept 3: Understanding The Way We Socially Constructed And Their Manifestations in Higher Ed        
  • Concept 3: What's Up with White America?        
  • Concept 3: Understanding Diversity Through Perceptions and Language               
  • Concept 2: Creating Supportive Environments for Survivors Of Sexual and/or Intimate Partner Violence
  • Concept 4: The Larger the Table, The More Room for the Feast: Serving Up Empathetic Education in a Diverse Society               
  • Concept 3: Understanding The Way We Socially Constructed And Their Manifestations in Higher Ed        
  • Concept 4: Communicating Connectedness: Expediting the Growth of Healthy Learning Communities   
  • Concept 2: Fostering Inclusive Learning Environments for Transgender, Genderqueer and Non-Binary Students               
  • Concept 4: The Larger the Table, The More Room for the Feast: Serving Up Empathetic Education in a Diverse Society               
  • Concept 1: Identifying, Understanding and Intervening in Microaggressions       
  • Concept 2: Creating Supportive Environments for Survivors Of Sexual and/or Intimate Partner Violence
  • Concept 3: How We Communicate With And Through Our Social Constructions
  • Concept 3: Understanding Diversity Through Perceptions and Language               
  • Concept 3: How We Communicate With And Through Our Social Constructions
  • Concept 3: Understanding Social Constructions and their Manifestation in the Workplace                            
  • Concept 1: Recognizing and Embracing Differences

These crucial conversations make for healthier environments in our classrooms and work spaces. And they are FREE!

Visit our web site to sign up, or go to