Summer bus passes now on sale for faculty and staff

Faculty and staff bus passes for summer quarter are now on sale. The $40 passes will be valid for use beginning June 18.

There are several ways that eligible employees can purchase a bus pass:

Payroll Deduction: If eligible for payroll deduction, employees can submit a "Viking Xpress Bus Pass Payroll Authorization" esign form. Passes will be mailed to the employee's campus mailstop. Those electing to purchase through payroll deduction should ensure that they will be receiving paychecks throughout the summer. Those who will not be receiving paychecks, are working a shortened session or aren't sure should purchase passes through payment at the Cashier’s Office or online.

Cashier’s Office or online: Employees can mail bus pass request forms to mailstop 9197, fax them to (360) 650-2090 or drop them off at the Sustainable Transportation Office in Viking Commons 25. Paper copies are also available in VC 25. Upon receipt of forms, Sustainable Transportation will add the charges to the employees' accounts and notify them. Then, faculty and staff may pay at the Cashier’s Office in Old Main or online (Online payment is completed through MyWestern and incurs a 2.75 percent convenience fee).  Once payment is made, the employee should call (360) 650-7960 or email

There is a possibility that the Sustainable Transportatio nOffice will be relocated temporarily due to upcoming construction. Those planning to stop by the office should call ahead of time. For more information, contact the Sustainable Transportation Office at (360) 650-7960.