Strange mail packages deemed harmless

Western Washington University Police is reporting that several folks on the WWU campus have been receiving unusual mail packages from a group called C.I.M.S. CORP with an Alexandria, Egypt, return address.

The packages, which consist of a brown paper envelope strongly secured with clear tape, have been deemed to be harmless, according to a statement posted on the University Police website.

The full contents of the notice:

Several WWU personnel have received an unusual package in the mail from a group called C.I.M.S. CORP with an Alexandria, Egypt, return address.

The package is an envelope of brown paper strongly secured with clear tape.

The contents of the envelope are harmless, but the appearance of the envelope appears suspicious.

C.I.M.S. is Conveying Islamic Message Society and seems to be an organization that wishes to spread a positive word about Islam to " clear away all the misunderstanding and misconception there is among so many people about Islam".

The envelope contains a small booklet entitled "A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam".

Similar packages have been received at other universities since at least October of 2008.

This package is harmless and if you choose to not open it or not read the pamphlet, please dispose of it properly.

You do not need to contact law enforcement authorities.