Spaces available in Writing Instruction retreat

Spaces have come available in the upcoming Backwards by Design 2014: Faculty Writing Instruction Working Retreat.

The Writing Instruction Support program, part of Western Libraries' Learning Commons, sponsors an annual working session that offers Western Washington University faculty members a chance to gain ideas and new practices on teaching and assessing writing. The “backwards by design” approach begins with identifying discipline-based threshold concepts and works back to instructional practices and activities for teaching them. The working retreat also gives faculty a chance to work on their own course materials in the company of colleagues from across campus who share a commitment to supporting our students" learning and writing proficiency.

This year’s retreat is scheduled for Aug. 26 to 28 at Western’s Shannon Point Marine facility in Anacortes.

Agenda topics include:

  • Day 1 - Design: disciplinary concepts, course syllabus, evaluation schemes
  • Day 2 - Enactment: creating assignments, engaging practices
  • Day 3 - Results: Learning activities, show & tell demos

All expenses (lodging for a shared room, meals, and materials) are covered, and transportation will be arranged. If you are interested in attending, please contact For more details, contact WIS director Carmen Werder, who will facilitate the workshop, at or 360-650-7329.