Sexual assault survivors to speak at Oct. 27 AS event

The Associated Students Resources and Outreach Programs Women’s Center and Sexual Awareness Center present “Survivor Speak Out: Journey of Healing” from 7 p.m. or 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 27, in Academic Instruction Center Room 303.

A panel of three sexual assault survivors will share their stories with attendees. Then there will be an opportunity for audience members to share their own experiences by either speaking or writing them down. Survivors and allies of survivors are encouraged to attend.

“Silence around men’s assault is pervasive, and ideals of masculinity hinder men from sharing their experiences,” said Lizzie Lamb, Associated Students Women’s Center coordinator. “This program will address the barrier of silence around sexual assault and how sharing about such traumatic events in our lives can help the healing process.”

For more information about the event, or for disability accommodations, contact Lizzie Lamb, Associated Students Women’s Center coordinator by phone at (360) 650-6114 or by e-mail at

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