Rob McKenna to speak at Munro Institute this afternoon on campus

Washington state gubernatorial candidate Rob McKenna will be the featured speaker during the 4 p.m. session at the Munro Institute for Civic Education today, June 28, in Old Main Room 340.

McKenna, the current state attorney general, will be discussing higher education in Washington with the session's other panelists.

This event is free and open to the public, and anyone from the WWU or local communities is welcome to attend.

Today's earlier session, at 2:15 p.m., will be a discussion of influence and access in lobbying. That session will be moderated by Cole Taratoot, visiting assistant professor of sociology at Western. Panelists will include contract lobbyist Charlie Brown; Wendy Rader-Konofalski, with the Washington Education Association; and Amber Carter, with the Association of Washington Business.

Sessions are being recorded by TVW for airing on TV and on the station's website.

The Ralph Munro Institute is devoted to promoting civic literacy within secondary education and the public at large. It offers students, teachers and community members an opportunity to work with professors, activists and political leaders to learn how local, state and national politics develop. The institute was named in honor of Ralph Munro, a WWU alumnus and trustee. Munro was elected Washington’s Secretary of State in 1980 and continued in that position until his retirement in 2001. Munro plans to attend this year's institute, to participate and to welcome participants.