Psychology dept.'s Family Academy to discuss the Web's impact on teens March 7

Adriana Manago, a developmental psychologist at Western Washington University, will present “What is the Internet Doing to Teens? (And what are Teens Doing to the Internet?)” as a part of Western’s Department of Psychology Family Academy lecture series at 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 7 at Brandywine Kitchen in downtown Bellingham.

This presentation is free and open to the public.

Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and other Internet media make teens' social lives very different from their parents’ lives as teenagers. Manago will present the latest research on youth and the Internet, talking about how teenagers use the Internet for entertainment, information, to socialize with friends, and to figure out who they are.

Parents, teenagers and community members are encouraged to participate in this open discussion, contributing their own perspectives about how the growing pervasiveness of the Internet is influencing young people's social development.

Family Academy is an ongoing lecture series connecting scholars at Western with families and community members in Bellingham. The mission is to engage the community in innovative discussions about topics surrounding parenting and children’s development and education.

For more information on this lecture or the Psychology Department Family Academy lecture series, contact Rebecca Goodvin at (360) 650-3575 or