Power down and keep cool at work

Wardrobe Alert! Sweater Days is taking a break until fall. Offices and classrooms are warmer than usual for this time of year. The following strategies can improve your comfort at work, while keeping added power draw to a minimum and lowering Western’s carbon emissions.

  • Dress appropriately. Wear light weight clothing, taking into account required safety concerns in your work area.  Consult with your supervisor when in doubt about acceptable attire.
  • Sip cold water throughout the day. If you have a refrigerator available on campus, bring an extra refillable bottle, so you have a supply of chilled water.
  • Drape a moist towel or cloth around your neck.
  • Open a window if you can; close the blinds to block direct sun.Close the window at end of day for security and in case of change to rain. 
  • Take a break. You might not feel like you have the energy to go outside, or you may be reluctant to take time away from your desk when you feel less productive due to the heat.  Taking a break is a great way to catch a breeze, cool off, and appreciate the benefits of the sunshine. 
  • Coordinate a break with your supervisor to bein an air conditioned space.  While most of campus is not air conditioned, there are some spaces which may offer a brief respite from the heat.
    • Haggard Hall Library & Skybridge
    • Most Computer Labs
  • Unplug equipment when it is not in use. Computers and appliances add heat to the room, even in stand-by mode.
  • Turn lights off when you leave a room.  Especially when you leave to go home at the end of the day.
  • A fan can make you feel more comfortable by circulating the air around you. An electrical fan use does increase the energy consumption of the campus.  However, the type of fan you choose can minimize the added load on the grid. A small desk/table fan will range from 25-50 watts (such as the Holmes HLSHNF0410ABM, 25 Watts). Placing a smaller fan where you can feel it provides more comfort for the electricity consumption. Turn the fan off when you go out or go home.
  • If you feel that your space is unnecessarily warm, please contact Facilities Customer Service @ 650-3420. FM staff are available to assess room temperature.

For more information on Heat-Related Illness, please see this section of Western’s Safety Information Book.

For general information on staying cool when it’s hot this CDC website is also helpful.