Event from 11 to 3 today showcases campus activities for the WWU community

The Campus Activities Showcase, like the Red Square Info Fair, showcase AS clubs, Western academic departments and other community groups. The event takes place until 3 p.m. today and features performances, free giveaways and food.

There will be $300 worth of AS Bookstore giftcards and WWU gear in giveaways, as well as coupons for free market items and food provided by University Dining Services. The event will feature performances and displays from AS clubs. For disAbility accommodations, please call (360) 650-6121.

Western Today staff
Britney Wight, left, serves pancakes to Grant Bowman outside the Viking Union Multipurpose Room. Wight is from The INN, which is offering free pancakes for those heading in to the AS Campus Activities Showcase. Photo by Matthew Anderson | WWU
Members of the Filipino-American Student Association perform for attendees of the AS Campus Activities Showcase on Tuesday, Feb. 1. Photo by Matthew Anderson | WWU
The Associated Students Campus Activities Showcase takes place until 3 p.m. today, Feb. 1, in the Viking Union Multipurpose Room. Photo by Matthew Anderson | WWU