Nominations sought for CIIA's Innovative Teaching Showcase

The Center for Instructional Innovation & Assessment at WWU is currently accepting nominations for this year's Innovative Teaching Showcase through Dec. 10.

Each year the CIIA works with selected WWU instructors to document and publish their innovative instruction online. This year's showcase theme, "Teaching for Tolerance," seeks to honor faculty members who aspire to address inclusion, diversity and difference in their courses in a variety of ways, such as:

  • incorporating multicultural perspectives into course content,
  • transforming a course using perspectives and themes of diverse ethnic and cultural groups, or
  • providing opportunities to take action on important personal, social, and civic issues.

From the national media to the local community, educators are ever reminded of the importance of providing an inclusive atmosphere in their classes. Students from ethnic minority groups—one facet of the characteristics that make up Western’s diversity—now represent nearly a fifth of Western Washington University’s student body. The changing student population is due in part to shifts in demographics at large, but also due to effective outreach, retention and pedagogical practices at Western. Instructors who embrace culturally relevant pedagogy support all students by broadening perspectives, affirming individual experiences and—most importantly—preparing them for a future in a diverse world.

WWU faculty, staff and students are encouraged to nominate an instructor whose course work reflects the showcase theme. To fill out the nomination form online and see previous showcases, visit the Innovative Teaching Showcase website. For more information, contact Justina Brown at (360) 650-7210 or, or stop by the CIIA in College Hall Room 310.