WTA Urging Public to Ride for Essential Trips Only

WTA urges bus riders to ride the bus for essential trips only, and to enter and exit the bus at the rear door, unless they need to use the ramp.  

Public Transportation is considered an essential service. While Governor Inslee is asking Washingtonians to limit nearly all trips, there are some—for example those to work (for employees who can’t work from home), to medical appointments, to grocery stores and pharmacies—that people still need to make.

WTA is prepared to continue to provide public transportation for these essential trips. However our ability to do so depends on our ability to keep our transit employees safe and healthy.

WTA is now asking riders to:

  • Ride the bus for essential trips only. This applies to both fixed route buses and paratransit.
  • Enter and exit the bus through the back door, unless using the ramp (applies to Fixed Route buses only).
  • Keep at least six feet from our driver and, whenever possible, from other riders.
  • Cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Stay at home, and do not ride the bus, if experiencing symptoms of an illness.


General Manager Pete Stark said, “We care about the health and safety of our riders, our drivers, and our community. We need everyone’s help to ensure we can continue to provide bus service, by keeping our transit employees healthy.”

If you’d like to share this information as a link, here it is:  http://www.ridewta.com/Pages/notice-details.aspx?ID=139 .

Questions? Please call (360) 676-7433.