Wise & Well U Program to Host Flu Shot Clinic Oct. 6-7 on Campus

An annual flu vaccination is recommended by the CDC for anyone age six months or older, and Western wants our faculty and staff to stay healthy during this upcoming flu season. 

As a kick-off to our new Wise & Well U campaign, the Benefits Department will hold a Flu Shot Clinic on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 6-7, for employees and families.  To make this as convenient as possible, Rite Aid nurses will be on-site at the Viking Union, Room 565 A/B/C to administer the vaccinations. If you are covered by the Uniform Medical Plan or the Group Health Classic or Value plan, there will be no cost to you.  You will just need to provide ID card to the on-site nurse that is providing your flu shot.  If you are paying out of pocket, then the price of the flu shot will be discounted to $20. 

Please see the link below to the online registration site to reserve your appointment today.  Be sure to enter Western’s zip code (98225) when registering.  You will need to bring your insurance card, employee ID #, and the completed Quick Vaccine Evaluation & Screening Questionnaire and Consent forms to your appointment.  A link to the forms is provided on the registration website.  You must reserve an appointment time for each family member.

If you have any questions, please direct them to Alxys Hjembo at Rite Aid – Alxys.Hjembo@riteaid.com. You may specify which vaccine you would like from the list below:

  • Trivalent is the standard flu vaccine that protects against 3 strains of the flu.
  • Quadravalent is the flu vaccine that protects against 4 strains of the flu.  Most often times this is used for children under the age of 10 not getting FluMist
  • HighDose (HD) is essentially a "double dose" of the vaccine for seniors over the age of 65 or unless otherwise prescribed by their doctor.
  • FluMist/Intranasal is the flu vaccine typically used with children.  It is a live vaccine sprayed into the nose.
  • Flucelvax is a flu vaccine that was not grown in eggs but rather cells.  This vaccine is typically used for persons with allergies to eggs.
  • Tdap/whopping cough is a vaccine that a person is typically due for if they have not received in the last 7 years, or will be around an infant.  Decision to get Tdap often occurs after a brief discussion with the pharmacist.
  • Prevnar/Pneumovax is a vaccine used for pneumonia, determination of the specific vaccine given will be made by the pharmacist after further discussion with the patient.

Link: Get Your Flu Shot   

JUST FOR THE HEALTH OF IT – more coming soon about a Wise & Well U!