Winter 2021 Update: Western Washington University's Subscription Review Process  

Over the last several months, the Libraries has been engaging with university stakeholders to prepare for a projected subscriptions budget shortfall in FY2022. We are working actively through governance channels to explore sustained mitigation strategies. However, without predictable and sustained financial solutions to cover next year’s deficits and beyond, we will need to plan for subscription reductions of approximately $60,000. To that end, the Libraries is asking for university-wide feedback on two lists of potential cancellations.  

We strongly encourage all students, faculty, and staff to review these lists and submit any retention requests or requests for new subscriptions. Visit the Libraries Subscription Review webpage to see the Draft Cancellation and Package Review lists, more information on how the lists were generated, and instructions on how to submit your input. Individuals have until March 8 to submit feedback.   

To help guide the university through this process, the Western Libraries Subject Teams will be available to meet with any interested department, institute, or group, to answer questions and hear your feedback. We hope you will take every opportunity--individual or departmental--to communicate your needs. 

As we receive and review university input, the Libraries will strive to work transparently and consultatively, and will continue to communicate updates via the Subscription Review site, the Library News and Western Today, department chairs and faculty governance, leadership groups like the AS Senate and the Graduate Student Advisory Council, all-faculty emails, and the Libraries’ Subject Teams

If you have questions, please reach out to your Subject Team or contact the Libraries’ Collection Services division.  

URL for more information:  

Winter 2021 Subscription Update 

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