What makes some earthquakes more deadly than others? Faculty GUR group to discuss

Recent earthquakes, such as the 2010 Haiti event and the 2011 Sendai (Japan) earthquake, have demonstrated to the global community the power and unpredictability of earthquakes. Remarkably, as illustrated by these two events, the size of an earthquake does not necessarily correlate with how deadly it is.

The Faculty GUR Group at Western Washington University is holding a two-part course, led by geology associate professor Jackie Caplan-Auerbach, to discuss what makes some earthquakes more deadly than others, using recent seismic activity as a window into the causes, effects and dynamics of earthquakes. In specific, the group will focus on earthquake size and intensity and how these relate to the issue of seismic hazard. Attendees also will discuss how preparation and planning likely saved the lives of thousands of Japanese, and what lessons can be learned that will help us live safely with earthquakes here in the Pacific Northwest.

Part one of two meetings on this topic will take place from 4 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 19, in Bond Hall Room 111.