Western steam, electricity to be shut down this summer

Every August and September, Western Washington University shuts down its steam and electrical systems to allow for critical preventative maintenance.

2012 annual electrical shutdown schedule:

  • Saturday, Aug. 18, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.: Arntzen Hall, Academic Instructional East, Academic Instructional West, Communication Facility, Environmental Studies, Engineering Technology and Parks Hall. Electrical systems will be offline except for emergency lighting and generator-supplied systems.
  • Sunday, Aug. 19, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.: Fairhaven Administration, Commissary and Physical Plant. Electrical systems will be offline except for emergency lighting.
  • Saturday, Aug. 25, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.: Art Annex, Fine Arts, Miller Hall, Old Main and Steam Plant. Electrical systems will be offline except for emergency lighting and generator-supplied systems.
  • Wednesday, Sept. 5, 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.: Bond Hall, Bookstore, Canada House, Carver Gym, College Hall, Fraser Hall, Humanities, Haggard Hall, High Street Hall, Performing Arts Center, Viking Commons, Viking Union and Wilson Library. Electrical systems will be offline except for emergency lighting and generator-supplied systems.
  • Sunday, Sept. 9, 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.: Biology, Chemistry, Campus Services, SMATE and Wade King Student Recreation Center. Electrical systems will be offline except for emergency lighting and generator-supplied systems.

Please address any questions or concerns regarding these shutdowns to Scott Stilts, Electric Shop supervisor, at (360) 650-3208.

2012 annual steam shutdown:

The steam shutdown will run from Sunday, Aug. 26, through Thursday, Sept. 6. There will be no steam, hot water or heat during this time period except for those buildings (Carver Gymnasium, Wade King Student Recreation Center, Fairhaven and various areas withing University Residences) with electric hot water heaters, which will provide hot water only. This shutdown allows for critical maintenance to be performed on Western’s steam system. Please address any questions or concerns to Steve Morrow at (360) 650-3215.