Western Libraries seek feedback via survey through March 8

On Feb. 22, 2010, the WWU community received an email invitation to take the LibQUAL+ survey. It contains a URL to your unique LibQUAL+ Lite question set.

After considerable testing and research the Association of Research Libraries now offers a new version of the survey which reduces the number of questions a user must answer and requires only about 5-6 minutes to complete. The Western Libraries thrilled to be using this new survey instrument.
The LibQUAL+® Lite survey gives students faculty and staff a chance to provide feedback to the library regarding collections, services and facilities.  LibQUAL+ is perhaps the most authoritative assessment tool available to libraries. It is used by hundreds of libraries around the world and has been written about in numerous peer reviewed journal articles.
By taking 5 minutes to complete the survey you will provide us with data that can inform decisions made by the Western Libraries as we work to meet user expectations and needs.
When you receive your LibQUAL+ email invitation please click the message, make the time to take the survey and help us shape the future of your library.
The survey is available at: http://www.library.wwu.edu/libqual.