WebTech completes redesign of COVID web navigation structure

Western's Web Communications Technologies office has completed a redesign of the navigation structure of the university's large COVID web presence, streamlining it and making the most common coronavirus-related sites all visible from one click on the WWU home page  (see image of the expanded COVID-19 navigation below).

While the old menu system had a number of subject-oriented drop-down menus, each with a nested set of sites, the new structure has one button that, when clicked, unlocks the entire COVID web framework.

"As we observed how people were using the pages the data led us towards a more unified approach. The revised menu retains the content found across several pages in the previous setup, and ideally makes it easier to find the information as user needs or is looking for. We will continue to monitor the usage of each page and refine this structure as best as we can," said WebTech Director Max Bronsema.

Other changes to the COVID sites include:

For questions or suggestions about the new COVID web navigation structure, contact Bronsema at max.bronsema@wwu.edu.