Water main replacement work continues this month, next

A project to replace an aging water main on the Western Washington Campus will continue throughout the sunmmer. Workers are constructing roughly 1,600 feet of 8-inch and 12-inch water to replace the aging 6-inch main. The project also includes the replacement of fire hydrants and the building service connections and water meters.

The new 12-inch water main and fire hydrants will become part of the City of Bellingham's water system at project completion.

The work is being done in two phases, the first of which extends from Bond Hall to the Humanities Building. The second phase will continue the replacement past Old Main to High Street. Workers are removing the existing bricks, excavating and installing the new water main, making final building connections, abandoning the old water main in place and, finally, replacing the bricks.

The project is scheduled to be complete by Aug. 30.

Pipeline excavation is occuring across major pedestrian pathways. Detour signs will be posted, and ADA accessible pathways may be rerouted during construction. Whole building water shutdowns will be scheduled during unoccupied hours. The contractor will require laydown areas along the pipeline as the work progresses.

For more information, contact Sandy Fugami, project manager, at (360) 650-2230 or sandy.fugami@wwu.edu.

Western Today will give regular updates on construction projects throughout the summer. To view the many projects under way, check out the WWU campus map at http://www.wwu.edu/map and select "Construction Sites" from the "Campus Features" menu.

The total scope of the water main replacement project extends from Bond Hall down to High Street near Edens Hall. Work is scheduled to be completed at the end of August.