WACOM, the WWU system for tracking and getting approval for campus visits by employees, to shut down July 1

Supervisors and employees please note: WACOM, the WWU system for tracking and getting approval for campus visits by employees during the pandemic, will no longer being utilized to track visits to campus or to update staff’s schedules as of July 1. WWU will continue updating campus visitation procedures based on updated Washington state reopening guidance. 

Please note that employees who work on campus each day, or who are visiting campus as approved by their supervisor, must still complete their daily attestation here: https://extensibility.banner.wwu.edu/BannerExtensibility/customPage/page/wwugCovidAttestEmp.

Also please note that supervisors are still responsible to ensure that their employees are filling out the attestation each day, and that Western’s mask rules remain in effect until further notice: If you are indoors anywhere except an office alone, employees must have on a mask, and must have on a mask outdoors anywhere they cannot maintain safe social distancing of 6 feet or more.

Also remember that Western's Western's Safe Start operational level is independent of statewide public levels. The university is now at Operating Level 3; for specific information on requirements based on WWU’s current operating level please be sure to visit the WWU Safe Start website and follow all listed protocols outlined. 

For questions, please email covidsupport@wwu.edu.