Viking Food Credits Help Students in Need

Roughly two thirds of Western students receive financial aid in the form of loans, grants, scholarships or work study.

But some students – especially those without family or other resources – may encounter circumstances that cause them to run so low on funds that they go hungry. In those instances, Western can help students in need with food credits.

Financial Aid counselors assess student needs and are authorized to put up to $100 per quarter on a student’s Viking card. This money can be used at any on-campus dining location.

The process to receive these credits is fairly simple. Interested students must make an appointment with a Financial Aid counselor, who will review the student’s aid application, any existing aid that has already been awarded, hear the student’s individual circumstances and determine the student’s eligibility for the program.

“We exist to serve students,” said Clara Capron, assistant vice president for Enrollment and Student Services. “Financial Aid awards food credits based on calculated financial need as well as when it becomes clear by talking with potential student recipients or upon referral from other offices that the student would go hungry without receiving the food credits.”

Capron has allocated $15,000 to the Financial Aid Department, to be allocated annually for Viking Food Credits.

For information on how to apply for Viking Food Credits, contact the Financial Aid Office at (360) 650-3470.