Tune up your energy usage

For staff in Facilities Development and Operations, the annual Steam Plant shutdown and tune-up is not only a ritual that marks the approach of a new academic year but also a chance to focus on improving energy efficiency and sustainable practices. Join us in finding easy ways to reduce Western’s energy consumption and carbon footprint.

We have found that implementing nightly shutdown procedures, with an emphasis on closing windows at night, is the most effective means of immediately reducing carbon footprint. Ask yourself a few quick questions:

  • Does your department have a designated person to check that windows are closed, screens and displays are turned off, and your area is secured at the end of each day?
  • Are there areas where timers or smart plugs would reduce vampire loads?
  • What other changes can you make to minimize waste and maintain highest quality learning environments?

To paraphrase Smokey Bear, “only you can prevent energy waste in your space.” Small, individual changes add up to big savings and bring our community closer to carbon neutral goals. To learn more, check out this article from the International Energy Agency.