Tech Tonic is today at 11 in the Reading Room

The ninth annual Tech Tonic Showcase, this year operating under the theme "Shake, Make and Innovate," will take place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, April 14, in the Wilson Library Reading Room.

The internet and mobile technologies have forever changed the way we see and interact with the world. Today, we have simple, yet powerful tools to connect and share with friends, colleagues, potential collaborators and new employers. How can these tools foster innovation and be used by groups and individuals to change the world we live in?

This year's Tech Tonic event at Western will take a look at how technological innovation drives the entrepreneurial spirit through a series of 60 lightning round on topics ranging from the latest mobile tools to creating successful Kickstarter campaign.

For more information, visit the Tech Tonic website online.