Reminder: Submit Minor Works Capital Requests by November 18th

Campus community members are reminded to submit their minor works capital requests for the 2017-19 biennium by Wednesday, Nov. 18. Requests should be electronically submitted by filling out the 2017-19 Minor Capital Project Request Form and submitting it to their supervisor, chair or director by Wednesday, November 18.

Minor capital projects include small improvements, renovations and upgrades that cost between $25,000 and $2 million and are aligned to Western's strategic goals and college/division six-year plans. Such projects can be for programmatic needs, ADA improvements, health and safety and preservation needs.

The remainder of the schedule includes:

  • Supervisor, Chair or Director submits their approved projects to their Planning Unit Leader by Dec. 7.
  • Planning Unit Leaders submit their approved projects to their Vice President by Dec. 18.
  • Vice Presidents submit their approved projects to the Capital Budget office by Jan. 8, 2016.

Please see the FDCB website for more information about the capital planning process.