President Randhawa presents his first State of the University address to regional stakeholders

WWU President Sabah Randhawa presented his inaugural State of the University address to more than 60 elected officials and leaders of the business, nonprofit, government and education sectors from Bellingham and Whatcom County on Tuesday, Nov. 27 at the Lightcatcher Museum in downtown Bellingham.

Randhawa used the opportunity, on the eve of Western’s 125th birthday, to update the community on the impact, partnerships, and economic development work both on campus and in the region and to engage the community on ideas to expand the university's collaboration with community partners.

The president shared the university’s vision and goals in the new 2025 strategic plan, and discussed Western’s efforts to focus on advancing inclusive success, increasing engagement with communities beyond campus, and preserving the values that are core to Western. President Randhawa also thanked the community for its part in making Western a better institution through our partnerships and shared a variety of ways Western has supported the community through its curriculum over the decades. 

In addition to sharing his vision for Western, Randhawa also talked about Western’s plans to build a new residence hall, projected to open in 2021. This new 400-bed residence hall, in addition to a new privately owned 480-bed  housing project on the 900 block of State Street also projected to open in 2021, will provide more housing options for Western students.