Policy revisions in place regarding purchasing

Business Services/Purchasing has revised two existing policies that were approved by President’s Cabinet in July. Below are links to new documents for you to become familiar with and to share with those involved in purchasing in your area. We encourage your feedback to ensure these policies and standards are well written and easy to follow. We also understand that departments may have unique situations.    

Please send any suggestions or concerns to Nicole Goodman, University Compliance Manager. The Purchasing Department is currently updating its website to reflect the new changes. The link to the revised webpage will be communicated upon completion.


POL-U5348.01    Purchasing Goods and Services

Summary of Changes:

1. Combines four current purchasing related policies into one.

2. Emphasizes expectations of stewardship of University funds, language was expanded in sections regarding:

  1. Ethical conduct,
  2. Personal purchases, and
  3. Authority to make and approve purchases.

3. Updated the “restricted items list” which is now called the Standards for Controlled and Prohibited Purchases.

4. Added language regarding lost receipts and responsibilities of Financial Managers.

5. Created standards for purchasing goods and services to outline requirements for specific dollar limits.

6. Certain sections allow for Budget Authorities to assume authority previously only authorized by the Financial Manager. Example: Budget authorities may authorize other employees to make purchases within the Budget Authority’s spending limits.

7. Highlights that there are specific standards for purchases made with grant funds.

8. Created purchasing method standards which dictate when certain purchasing methods can or cannot be used in order to increase use of more efficient systems (i.e. Marketplace) and decrease use of less efficient methods (i.e. paper PO’s, PCard).


New Purchasing Required Standards:


STN-U5348.01A                 Ethical Purchasing

STN-U5348.01B                 Controlled and Prohibited Goods and Services (formerly known as “restricted” items)

STN-U5348.01C                 Standards for Purchasing Goods and Services




POL-U5348.04    Issuing and Using Credit Cards

Summary of changes:

1. The roles and responsibilities of the Financial Manager, transaction Approver, and Cardholder are specified.

2. Language regarding internal controls and accountability has been strengthened. For example:

  1. Approvers of transactions must now be officially designated Budget Authorities as currently required for approval of purchases via other forms of payment (i.e. purchase orders).
  2. Financial Managers required to ensure cards are promptly cancelled or deactivated when appropriate.
  3. Written standards were created for card and account security.
  4. The card application was updated to include attestations for the Financial Manager, Approver, and Cardholder to accept responsibilities and comply with policies.
  5. Consequences for misuse or abuse are stated in the revised policy.

3. The training for Cardholders and Approvers has been updated to reflect the new policy changes.


New Credit Card Required Standards:

STN-U5348.04A                 Securing University Credit Cards and Accounts

STN-U5348.04B                 Deactivating and Cancelling Credit Cards