On the Tragic Racist Violence in New Zealand

Dear Campus Community:

I am certain that I speak for all of us in condemning the horrific and heartbreaking terrorist violence perpetrated against Muslim worshippers in two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.  This beautiful and peaceful country now joins scores of other countries, including our own, where terror attacks have targeted Muslims in their place of worship.  There can be no place in our societies for vile ideologies that incite hatred and fear. 

This should remind all of us of the work that we must continue to do on campus and in our communities to defeat those who seek to destroy our values and divide us.  Please join me in taking time to reach out to our fellow Muslim students, faculty and staff members, and neighbors who have been impacted by news of this violence.  And please reflect on what you can do to safeguard against such violence and help foster a culture of compassion and respect, whether that is calling out extreme rhetoric directed toward Muslims and other vulnerable communities, moderating your social media usage, or engaging in dialogue with people you may not know to gain understanding and learn new perspectives. Most of all, let’s please join together to make Western a community that defeats bigotry and hate in all its forms.

There will be a safe space held today for Muslim students to gather as a community from Noon – 2 p.m., and from 4-6 p.m.  A counselor will be available at 1 p.m.  For more information, please contact the WWU Muslim Student Association through Facebook and Instagram.

