Join the June Smart Trips Work Challenge

Western employees are invited to join the June Smart Trips Work Challenge! Log at least one work trip each week in June at and you will be entered in extra Smart Trips prize drawings. This promotion is only for Smart Trips Employer Partners, so your chances of winning are increased. You can walk, bike, bus, or carpool to work for your trip to count. Prizes include waterproof Ortleib backpacks and $100 Think Local First gift cards.

If you are not enrolled in the Smart Trips program, sign up now and record trips you make by walking, bicycling, taking the bus, and carpooling. In addition to being entered into the extra prize drawings during the June Smart Trips Challenge, you will be entered in a monthly drawing for $250 cash and a quarterly drawing for $1,000 cash. You will also earn rewards and discounts at local businesses.

Be sure to indicate that Western is your employer on your Smart Trips account.