JEC's 'Black Lives Matter and the Education Industrial Complex' now online

The special issue on “Black Lives Matter and the Education Industrial Complex”  is now online at the Journal of Educational Controversy.  Here is a direct link:   We invite papers that continue the conversation for our rejoinder section.

The co-editors for this issue are Bill Lyne, Professor of English, WWU, and president of the United Faculty of Washington State and Teri McMurtry-Chubb, Professor of Law, Mercer University Walter F. George School of Law (Formerly, WWU Fairhaven College Diversity Program faculty)  Both Bill and Teri are also members of the journal’s editorial board.

The annual Educational Law and Social Justice Forum in the spring will feature this issue.

Authors responded to the following controversial scenario:

Along with drawing attention to the police as occupying armies in Black American communities, the Black Lives Matter movement has highlighted the deep roots of institutionalized racism in the United States.  Starting with the fundamental question, Do Black Lives Matter in the U.S. Education Industrial Complex?, this issue of the Journal of Educational Controversy seeks to explore the various questions raised by Black Lives Matter in relation to U.S. educational institutions, policies, and practices as they impact men, women, and children of color intersectionally, with respect to gender, gender identity, and class.  These questions could include the status of schools as institutions of control and sites of reproduction of racist ideology; the possibility of schools as sites of liberationist  transformation; the institutional history of schools alongside the development of institutional racism; the institutional response of schools to incidents of racial violence; the history of black studies programs in relation to black liberation movements, and the appropriation and sanitizing of terms like diversity and multiculturalism.

Lorraine Kasprisin, Editor

Journal of Educational Controversy