Gender-neutral bathroom available on Wilson Library's 5th floor through June 15


A gender neutral restroom accessible all hours that the library is open will be available during finals week and the week prior to finals week in Wilson Library.

Between now and June 15, there will be a gender neutral restroom located on the 5th floor of Wilson Library (WL 566). There are also two single-occupancy gender neutral restrooms on the 6th Floor of Wilson Library that are available Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Informational flyers and signage indicating restroom locations have been posted throughout Wilson Library and Haggard Hall, including outside restrooms and on bulletin boards, to let users in the library know about the availability of gender neutral restrooms.

This is a temporary solution to a long-term need.  Western Libraries, the Equal Opportunity Office, the Provost’s Office, and Facilities Management are working on a permanent solution to add gender neutral restrooms in Wilson Library and / or Haggard Hall.

URL for more information: Equal Opportunity Office;  Guidelines for Gender Neutral Facilities,