EMPLOYEES: How to submit your vaccination record

As of this morning, approximately 57% of faculty and staff have voluntarily submitted their COVID vaccination documentation.  We want to make sure you are included!  If you have your vaccination documentation, you can:

  • Submit your documentation virtually!  Set up an appointment to show this documentation via Teams.  Email HR@wwu.edu to get this scheduled.
  • Submit your documentation in person!  Set up an appointment to come into Human Resources at HR@wwu.edu.
  • Submit your documentation via our Vaccination Submission form!  Would you would like assistance completing the form?  We can help!  We can even start your form for you.  Let us know at HR@wwu.edu.

As a reminder, you may also be able to access your vaccination documentation through the State’s new Immunization Information System.  Learn more on the Department of Health’s website: https://www.doh.wa.gov/YouandYourFamily/Immunization/ChildProfileHealthPromotion/ForParents/AccessyourFamilysImmunizationInformation

For information regarding leave available for your COVID-19 vaccination, please view COVID-19 Vaccination Leave.

If you have any questions, please email HR@wwu.edu or your HR Consultant:

Megan Galley              ESS/UA                            Megan.Galley@wwu.edu

Kelsie Swanson           BFA/UR & Marketing    Kelsie.Swanson@wwu.edu

Gretchen Lucas           AA                                    Gretchen.Lucas@wwu.edu


Thank you for your continued dedication and efforts to keep Western safe!

With gratitude,
Human Resources