Construction projects to close north library doors beginning June 16

Due to both better weather and fewer people on campus, summer is typically identified as being the best time for much-needed construction projects to take place at Western Washington University.

At Western Libraries, that work begins Monday, June 16, when re-roofing work begins on the tile roof of the 1928 section of Wilson Library. This work will also involve the insulation of the attic space above the Reading Room (Wilson 4 Central).

The north doors of Wilson Library will be closed for the duration of the project, beginning Monday, June 16, with an estimated date of completion being sometime in late August. Additionally, the student-staffed Learning Commons Information Desk will be closed, and the Research Consultation Desk will be temporarily relocating from Wilson Library to the Haggard Hall Circulation Desk for the summer and intersession periods. For any assistance, please stop by the Circulation Desk.

During this same time, the brick walkway between High Street and the rose garden along the north side of Wilson Library will be re-paved, with the entire area bordered by a fence and subsequently inaccessible to the public.

Throughout these projects, there will be construction traffic and associated noise along High Street and the grassy area outside Zoe’s and Wilson 2 West, particularly between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

For information, contact Frank Haulgren at