Busy summer construction schedule to begin soon

With spring quarter coming to an end soon, the Office of Facilities Development and Capital Budget is gearing up to begin the busy summer construction period at Western Washington University with numerous public works projects.

The renovation of Fraser Hall will continue through summer. Faculty and students will enjoy the three transformed lecture halls by fall quarter. While the funding for the Carver Academic Renovation remains elusive, the following projects will begin in mid-June (exception is the alley repair in parking lot 7G, which won’t begin until late August):

  • PW642 Mathes Hall Renovation Phase II
  • PW660 Multi-Purpose Field
  • PW661 Ridgeway Alpha Renovation
  • PW662 Fairhaven Entry Road Improvement
  • PW663 Humanities Exterior Renewal
  • PW666 Parking Lot 7G Alley Repair (late August)
  • Special Project #016 Fairhaven Food Services Remodel
  • Special Project #018 Ross Engineering Technology Roof Repair

Workers will try to minimize construction impacts as much as possible, and they ask for patience and flexibility.

One major traffic revision will be the closure of the south section of South College Drive to help expedite the construction of the multipurpose field and address safety concerns. Bicyclists and motorists will be re-routed; access to the Fairhaven parking lots will remain open. More information on that closure (June 17 at the earliest to Sept. 6), as well as other general construction notices, will be announced via Western Today and MyWestern. Building occupants may also receive “construction notices e-mails” on projects occurring in their particular building or in adjacent buildings.

The campus construction map will be updated with more information on these summer projects within a week. Be sure to check “construction” under the “Features” tab in the upper right hand corner. Then, click on individual buildings with orange dots for project information. Contact the project manager if you have questions/concerns.

General questions may be addressed to Gail Kuromiya at 360-650-6199 or Teyra Carter at 360-650-7700. For smaller, in-house projects, please contact the Facilities Management Work Control Center at 360-650-3420.

The City of Bellingham has two summer projects adjacent to campus. Highland Drive/West College Way will be re-paved, and a new sidewalk will be constructed along the north side of Bill McDonald Parkway by the Birnam Wood apartments. Call the City Public Works Administration and Engineering Department at 360-778-7900 for more information about these two projects.