Budget proposals available for review

Following months of Western’s bottom-up, transparent budget planning process, two budget recommendations are now ready for campus review.

  • We will soon begin the second year (FY15) of the current 2013-15 biennial budget.  Click here to read the FY15 Operating Budget recommendation which continues the commitments made during last year’s budget cycle and adds items which have been identified as emergent issues that must be addressed sooner than the next biennial (2015-17) budget process.
  • We are also developing our request for the next biennial budget.  The 2015-17 Biennial Budget Request will be sent to Olympia in September to be considered for inclusion in the Governor’s budget proposal in December and deliberated during the Legislative Session starting in January 2015.  Click here to read the recommendations for proposals to be presented to the State.

There are several mechanisms for providing feedback on these recommendations:

  • Provide feedback through your University Planning and Resources Council (UPRC) representative for inclusion in the discussion at the May 7 meeting.
  • Provide feedback to your representative on President’s Cabinet for inclusion in the discussion at the May 7 meeting;
  • A Viking Village Budget Discussion Forum is open through May 16 for the FY15 Operating Budget proposal, and will be monitored to receive feedback and answer any questions;
  • A Viking Village Budget Discussion Forum is open through May 23 for the 2015-17 Biennial Budget recommendation, and will be monitored to receive feedback and answer any questions.

President Bruce Shepard will incorporate all feedback into his final recommendations to the Board of Trustees.  The adoption of the FY15 Operating Budget will be on the agenda at the June Board of Trustees meeting.  The 2015-17 Biennial Budget Request will be discussed at the June meeting; final adoption is slated for the August Board of Trustees meeting.