Abstract of Nov. 8, 2010, Faculty Senate meeting

Scott Pearce, Faculty Senate president, called the 2010-2011 Faculty Senate to order at 4:02 p.m. Senators accepted senate minutes of Oct. 25, 2010, along with the standing committee minutes.

Pearce reported that meetings on the white paper on nursing will happen this fall, and a meeting on International Studies will happen in January. Pearce also reported that the Senate Library Committee plans to work again on a new charge to develop the role of the committee within the library as well as its interaction with other governance units.

Pearce responded to constituent concerns:

  • Departmental webpages should list the protocol for local wait-listing procedures.
  • Current bike routes near Red Square are dangerous to pedestrians. Scott Pearce and Bradley Howard will invite Randy Stegmeier to join them on a tour of these paths, plus paths where motorists endanger bicyclists.
  • Provost Catherine Riordan will ask Steve VanderStaay, vice provost for undergraduate education, to look at test scanning issues including the price of scantrons.
  • Spam filtering and junk mail issues are being reviewed through ATC. John Lawson reported that we throw away over 90 percent of the e-mail that hits our initial server because it is all spam. Then the client filters manipulate spam e-mail according to individual preference.

President Bruce Shepard reported news from the recent elections where initiatives have taken away the state’s ability to control the fiscal power of the legislature. November revenue forecasts are expected soon with several tough years predicted ahead. Shepard has already begun meeting with legislators and planning aggressive alumni action.

Shepard is still getting feedback prior to making a decision on the Music Library. Shepard stated that the decisions made by himself and the provost have to be based on a clear-eyed understanding of what will best maintain the mission and quality of the university.

Senators heard Brian Burton report on the Music Library Task Force’s process for collecting and analyzing data without making a final recommendation; and Brad Johnson’s report from the STS Task Force that STS can continue to operate pretty much the same as before the cuts, but that this needs to be reviewed again in one year. Testimonials from major granting agencies cite the attractiveness of Western because of its internal STS support.

Vicki Hamblin reported on behalf of Steve Garfinkle, United Faculty of Western Washington president, that there were still seven days for faculty to take the five-minute survey that will guide the team in its many hours of preparation for bargaining the next contract. Faculty who still need a survey can contact jeff.young@wwu.edu.

Ramon Rinonos-Diaz reported that 1,230 ballots had been returned on election day. The Associated Students is reviewing seven of its committees according to its TAP protocol and is devising an AS Strategic Plan. Huxley and CST are asked to forward recommendations for graduate student involvement in the AS.

Senators heard Sara Wilson, special assistant to the vice president for student affairs, encourage faculty to donate to the Combined Fund Drive on the Web. Combined charities can plan ahead when they know how much money will be coming in the year ahead.

Constituent Concerns: Constituents reported

  • ongoing problems with Blackboard include the deletion of an entire course in extended education;
  • lack of an implemented process for reviewing proposed graduate programs when the majority of faculty teaching are non tenure track;
  • difficulties crossing campus may discourage bicyclists from using this form of alternative transportation.

Senators applauded Jeff Newcomer for his leadership in drafting the new Strategic Plan which will be reviewed this week in UPRC. Senators expressed appreciation for the values listed in the sidebar as a result of campus wide feedback.

President Pearce reminded Senators that the draft governance guidelines would be discussed at the next Senate meeting. Senators then adjourned at 5:59 p.m.

APPOINTMENTS AND ELECTIONS – Chuck Lambert, Appointments Officer


  • One Senator to be appointed to the Academic Technology Committee.
  • One faculty to the Disability Advisory Committee (meets once a quarter).


  • Patrick Buckley, Huxley College, replaces David Shull, fall quarter