Names of faculty attending June 14 commencement announced

The following faculty members should have received a memo from Jana Schueler of the Registrar's Office confirming their attendance at spring commencement on June 14:

  • Ceremony one: Jeanne Armstrong, Joanne DeMark, Aquila Flower, Steve Henson, Zite Hutton, John Krieg, Glenn McEvoy, Rebekah Paci-Green, Tom Roehl, Farrokh Safavi, George Saunders, Stephan Senge, Khim Sim, Elsi Vassdal-Ellis and Nick Wonder.
  • Ceremony two: Diane Blietz-Hertberg, Dominique Coulet du Gard, Gail Coulter, Sondra Cuban, Joanne DeMark, Angela Harwood, Keith Hyatt, Catherine McDonald, Brenda Miller, Ted Pratt, Donna Qually, Roger Sasnett and Elizabeth Stephan.
  • Ceremony three: Diane Blietz-Hertberg, Amber Bone, Lorrie Brilla, Sarah Campbell, Jessica Cohen, Jasmine Goodnow, Linda Keeler, Kristen Larson, John Marchesini, Robert Mitchell, Jeff Newcomer, Elizabeth Raymond, Jacqueline Rose, Keith Russell, Kathleen Saunders, Yun-Qiu Shen, Clint Spiegel, Joan Stevenson, Charles Sylvester, Larry Symons and Glenn Tsunokai.

Those who did not receive a memo or who plan to attend but are not listed should contact Jana Schuelerat 360-650-3701 or before June 6.

Faculty who need regalia for the ceremony should contact Royal-T as soon as possible.