Introducing 'Libations with a Linguist' community events

The Department of Linguistics is pleased to announce a new community event, “Libations with a Linguist.” Faculty from WWU’s Linguistics Department organize these community round-table discussions once a month.  

They are free and open to the public of all ages.

The first "Libations With a Linguist" event is scheduled for January 22, 2020 from 6-8 p.m. at Stemma Brewing, located at 2039 Moore Street in Bellingham.

McNeel Gordon Jantzen, a Cognitive Neuroscientist and associate professor in Western’s Linguistics Department, will speak on “Enhancing Language Networks Through Music: Musicianship and Neural Representation of Language.”

For more information on this event, contact Linguistics Department Manager Sara Helms at 360-650-3914 or at Additional program information can also be found at